Leeds Hypnotherapist COVID 19 Restrictions

COVID 19 Regulations for Therapy Sessions

As the COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease in the UK, people are starting to get ready to return to receiving hypnotherapy. I understand from those of you that have been in touch, just how difficult the UK lockdown has been. You will be glad to know that the Leeds Hypnotherapist is now open once again. Measures are also being put into place for both your and my safety.

COVID 19 Safety Measures

2 Metre Social Distancing

The office is now set out to allow the 2 metre social distancing rules. As a result all touch therapy will be on hold until restrictions are fully eased or a safe and practical solution can be found.

The office is spacious enough so this isn’t an issue. If you are hard of hearing then it might be better for you to wait until the 1 metre rule is in place.

Leeds Hypnotherapist Social Distancing

Bring Your Own Drinks

One of the restrictions that are in place is that clients are not allowed to be given a drink. This is to prevent any risk from me to you when handling a glass or cup. I would always advise that you have a drink as shifting energies around and releasing any traumas tends to dehydrate the body.

Most clients tend to find that they need a good drink of water after the session is completed. I will be using my own water bottle and I would recommend the same for you.

Hand Cleansing

Hand sanitiser is available for you when you arrive. Please use this to help to keep me safe while I am at work. Clean hands have been shown to make a big difference. There are also toilet facilities available for you to use to wash your hands when you arrive if you wish.

Leeds Hypnotherapist Hand Washing

Temperature Checks

Upon arrival I will test your temperature with a forehead scanner. This helps to check if you are carrying a virus but aren’t showing symptoms. Being asymptomatic means that you are still spreading the virus without showing any symptoms

Temperature checks help to keep both of us safe and also to keep the office area safe.

Deep Cleaning

The office will be deep cleaned before your arrival and also after you leave. This helps to keep everyone using the room safer. Sanitiser sprays are used on all hard surfaces and also on the furniture within the room to prevent anyone becoming ill from viral shedding.

Leeds Hypnotherapist Deep Cleaning Office

No At Risk People Allowed in The Office

For now, the government don’t want people who are in the “at risk” category to be receiving face to face therapy. If you believe you might fall into that category for any reason, please let me know before you attend a session or consultation.

If you are at risk, you can have sessions by Skype. I will be offering a Ā£20 per session discount for anyone wishing to take online sessions.

You can click on the link to learn more about Skype Hypnosis or Skypenosis.

How Long Will These Measures be in Place For?

These new measures are going to be in place for the foreseeable future. When the government announces a change and I also feel it is in yours and my best interests, restrictions will be eased.

For now, I just want to make sure that you can get the hypnotherapy that you need and that we can both do this safely.

If you have any questions about these measures or any other questions about hypnotherapy in general, please go to the Contact Page.

You can find all of the UK Government COVID-19 updates here.




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