Hypnotherapist Leeds

abandoned child syndrome hypnotherapy

5 Things You Need to Know About Abandoned Child Syndrome

When a child is abandoned, it can be difficult for them to trust or form relationships with others later in life. Left untreated, this can result in abandoned child syndrome – a condition that can cause problems such as difficulty trusting people, low self-esteem, and problems forming relationships. However, hypnotherapy has been shown to be […]

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hypnotherapy for dissociation, did

The Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Dissociation and DID.

Dissociation is a defence mechanism that can be used to disconnect from distressing or painful experiences. Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a condition where a person has more than one distinct personality. Hypnotherapy for dissociation can be used to help individuals connect with their dissociated parts, and to resolve the underlying issues that may have led to the development of DID. In this article, we will look at dissociation disorder, DID and other dissociative disorders and how you can treat dissociation with hypnotherapy.

The Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Dissociation and DID. Read More Ā»

forget painful memories with hypnosis

Painful Memories ā€“ Hypnosis To Forget Something or Someone and 9 Things You Need to Know

When it comes to hypnotherapy, there are a lot of misconceptions out there. Some people think that hypnotherapy is only used to help people lose weight or stop smoking. While those are two common uses for hypnotherapy, it can actually be used for a lot more than that. In fact, hypnotherapy can be used as

Painful Memories ā€“ Hypnosis To Forget Something or Someone and 9 Things You Need to Know Read More Ā»

Phobophobia - fear of being afraid

Phobophobia: Living in Fear of Feeling Afraid and How Hypnotherapy Can Help

Do you ever feel like you’re living in a constant state of fear? That everything makes you anxious and uneasy? If so, you may be suffering from phobophobia – the fear of fears. This debilitating condition can keep people from leading normal lives, but hypnotherapy can help to free them from fear. In this article, we will discuss what phobophobia is, some of the most common fears that trigger it, and how hypnotherapy can help to overcome them. In this article we will look deeper into phobophobia and what you can do to free yourself from this specific phobia.

Phobophobia: Living in Fear of Feeling Afraid and How Hypnotherapy Can Help Read More Ā»

hypnotherapy for arfid, Leeds, UK

How Hypnotherapy Can Help With ARFID: How to Deal with Picky or Fussy Eaters

Did you know that hypnotherapy can be a great way to help children with ARFID? ARFID stands for “avoidant restrictive food intake disorder,” and it is characterized by a child’s refusal to eat certain types of foods. In some cases, these children may only want to eat a few types of food and nothing else.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help With ARFID: How to Deal with Picky or Fussy Eaters Read More Ā»