What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is the way of introducing a person into a state of trance. It includes a condition of mental repose, intense concentration, and higher susceptibility.
Compared to spacing out during your day to day life, which also puts you in a trance-like state, during hypnosis, you are guided by someone else with a goal to either heal, explore, or eliminate your stress.
There are misconceptions surrounding hypnosis due to how the media depicts it. Hypnotists don’t control your minds and actions. Instead, you are still able to move your body and hear what’s happening around you.
You are also capable of acting on your own and disagreeing with things that you don’t want to do because you are very much conscious and involved. Aside from that, you can recall what’s happening to you throughout the whole session!
What is Hypnotherapy?
While hypnosis acts as a tool, hypnotherapy is how it’s applied. It’s the method of performing hypnosis for therapeutic reasons that involve mental and physical problems.
Hypnotherapy is used as a guide to help people stop smoking and decrease overeating by assisting in diverting your mindās focus and choosing a healthy attitude. It can also examine the connection between the mind and body to help eliminate physical pain experienced during surgery, childbirth, stomach problems, and dermatological situations.
Besides that, hypnotherapy can access the subconscious mind to treat mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addiction.
How it Works
Hypnotherapy works by diving deep into a person’s mind to open the untouched parts of themselves, thus allowing access to your memories and hidden desires. A hypnotist can access the bridge that connects a personās consciousness to their subconsciousness.
Your subconscious keeps all your memories, emotions, and thoughts. So the moment a hypnotherapist puts you in a calm yet concentrated state of mind, your restrained experiences and hidden feelings are unearthed to give you a better understanding of the cause of problems that have affected your mental health.
Each of your life choices is connected. They become the reason behind your present decisions that could be damaging to your health. Through hypnosis, your subconscious can present all your memories and decisions you’ve made when you were younger, that could be the reason behind your current behaviour.
Food hypnosis, for example, works by convincing a person to change their eating habits by advising them on the taste and smell of the unhealthy food they’re consuming. It will only be effective if the person is willing to develop new habits, and consciously chooses to change.
Hypnotherapy for Mental Health
Hypnotherapy serves as an effective method of addressing PTSD and restrained forms of abuse in a person’s past. A hypnotherapist guides you to recall the moments that led to your trauma and how you feel about it, letting go of your emotions and allowing recovery to take place.
That’s why hypnotherapy is used on patients who experience childhood trauma and still carry it with them as they grow up. If you have anxiety, it could also be due to events that happened in your past as well.
Hypnotherapy utilizes the power of suggestion to help people willingly recover from your past. But aside from that, a person’s subconscious is greatly influenced by media, language, and communication around you. So it’s not possible to have someone gain total control of your body and mind during hypnosis sessions.
Are you looking for a hypnotherapist in Leeds? Leeds Hypnotherapist offers personal development and mental health solutions, treatment for health anxiety including diet hypnosis and hypnosis to eat fruits and vegetables. Get in touch with us today and see how we can help.