
men feeling depressed leeds west yorkshire

Is It OK for Men To Feel Emotions and Admit That They’re Feeling Down or Depressed?

“Men should be strong and never show weakness”What a load of bullshit that sentence is.  It’s crap like that that is leaving people feeling depressed and killing themselves. It’s long overdue that we start putting that garbage to bed and start getting real about how the modern world really is.The world is a different place […]

Is It OK for Men To Feel Emotions and Admit That They’re Feeling Down or Depressed? Read More Ā»

how do i get over betrayal

The Gift Of Betrayal

Being betrayed is something that most people will tell you that they don’t want to experience or commit. Ā So why do we find ourselves in situations that we are going to be betrayed? Ā And if we’re truly honest with ourselves why do we also betray others? The idea that you are creating these situations without

The Gift Of Betrayal

exercising together to release your emotions

Exercising Your Emotions

Looking for practical advice on how you can deal with your emotions more effectively?  Then read on….. We all have times when things happen to us and we feel upset, hurt or angry; we are all human after all.  The big question is this What do you do with those emotions? Do you left them

Exercising Your Emotions

Robin Williams depression

Why You Need To Get Help For Depression

Robin Williams passed away today after his long battle with depression. Ā It’s a sad time for many and also a time to reflect on what he brought to people’s lives. It is so very sad to hear about the passing of someone that has had an impact on your life. Ā It doesn’t matter whether they

Why You Need To Get Help For Depression Read More Ā»