Skype Hypnotherapy

online services for hypnotherapy are very effective

How is Online Hypnotherapy Different to Face to Face Hypnotherapy?

Online hypnotherapy sessions are no different in their effectiveness compared to face to face sessions. While some people prefer the feeling of having a hypnotherapist in the room with them, the outcomes are the same as the online sessions.

How is Online Hypnotherapy Different to Face to Face Hypnotherapy? Read More Ā»

Hypnotherapy for IBS Leeds UK

How Does Hypnosis Help in Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Hypnotherapy is a great therapy for IBS. Hypnosis not only helps to lower stress that can cause flare-ups, it can help you to take control of symptoms and learn the cause of your IBS issues.

How Does Hypnosis Help in Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome Read More Ā»

hypnosis for alcoholism

Hypnosis for Alcoholism_ What Is It and How Does It Work

Throughout history, experts have fought to understand and limit alcohol’s potential to affect our actions. In recent years, they have discovered hypnotherapy as an alternative for treating alcohol addiction. Is this treatment a viable option for dealing with this issue?
Hypnotherapy employs a variety of relaxation techniques. The treatment allows for a calmer, more centred unconscious state and hyper relaxation and hyper-awareness as soon as a person achieves this condition of calm. The hypnotherapist can assist in the creation of subliminal directives.
Actual therapy begins with these powerful orders to the unconscious mind. It can gently coax a person, encouraging them to avoid drinking by exploiting the brain’s full potential in hypnosis.

Hypnosis for Alcoholism_ What Is It and How Does It Work Read More Ā»

medical hypnosis for ptsd

How Hypnotherapy Helps Individuals with PTSD

If someone has gone through something traumatic, the brain will work differently. The limbic system will hold onto those life events for two reasons.
First, the brain wants to ensure that the same event will not happen again for that person’s survival. Secondly, these life events are too big to be processed overnight, and traumas end up causing a log-jam in the brain. That is why the memory and sensation of it will remain fresh and raw. And since these memories are not being processed, it often leads to a downward spiral of anxiety, depression, and anger.

How Hypnotherapy Helps Individuals with PTSD

Benefits of online or Skype Hypnotherapy

Alternative Therapy Options: Our Guide to Skypenosis

Online hypnotherapy, indeed all therapy, has become increasingly popular over the years. The Covid pandemic has created a larger demand for people to receive therapies online in their own home. With the increase in technology you can receive therapy online with services such as Skype, Zoom and Google Meet. You no longer need to spend time travelling to have to see a skilled therapist.

Alternative Therapy Options: Our Guide to Skypenosis


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