Cibophobia hypnotherapy for Fear of Food - Aversion

Food Phobias 101_ Different Types, Causes & How to Manage Them

Food phobias are so commonplace these days and can often be misdescribed as intolerances in order to avoid questioning by people. Food intolerances are very different from phobias though.

Many of us are aware of specific phobias, such as claustrophobia, acrophobia, agoraphobia, glossophobia and other social phobias. These fears have been portrayed in different types of media and have garnered some public attention. However, there are certain phobias that many are not aware of, one of which is cibophobia.

Cibophobia is the persistent fear of food. This phobia has two types: food aversion and fear of choking. In most cases, food hypnotherapy is a practical remedy for this phobia. Educating yourself and being aware of cibophobia will help you navigate certain situations and inform others of this phobia.

In this article, we will discuss the basics of cibophobia, its types, causes and how you can efficiently manage this fear.

Different types of cibophobia

The two types of cibophobia that are quite different from one another. These phobias are triggered by past experiences with certain foods or could be from family trauma, leading to adverse effects in their lifetime. These types of phobia can significantly affect the quality of someone’s life.

  • Food Aversion

Most people who suffer from food aversion have an objection towards meat, grease, the textures of fruit and vegetables and unfamiliar foods, or have a horrible experience with the taste.

  • Food Choking

Food choking is often mistaken for phagophobia, which is the fear of swallowing and is a type of anxiety disorder. People with this type of phobia cannot swallow the food they consume. This could be because of their sensitivity to their gag reflexes or they may be experiencing a “tight throat” sensation. Fear of choking is known as pseudodysphagia and can limit people to what they can eat and drink.

How are these phobias different from eating disorders?

Fear of Food Phobia
Fear of food and eating disorders are different things

Eating disorders and food phobias may look quite similar on the surface; however, they are not entirely the same. When a person is dealing with eating disorders, they avoid food because of their fear of weight gain. They focus too much on their body image and would do anything to stop gaining calories and extra pounds. Meanwhile, people who have cibophobia avoid food itself because of extreme fear, and not because of body image issues.

What are the causes and symptoms of cibophobia?

The causes of cibophobia may begin from when they were younger. A child may develop this fear when they are exposed to someone afraid of certain foods. Another reason could be classical conditioning. Classical conditioning suggests that this fear developed through association. This means this person may have had a traumatic experience with this food, creating fear towards it.

People who have cibophobia can manifest physical and psychological distress. Those who have food aversion may lead to overcooking or altogether avoiding their meals. Meanwhile, people with a fear of choking may experience episodes when being forced to eat certain foods.

These phobias put people in extreme nutritional deficiencies, strain relationships and cause one to suffer from insomnia. In some cases, food hypnotherapy is a practical solution because it relaxes and puts the patient in a state of hyper consciousness, helping release stressors.

What are the necessary actions one must take to manage cibophobia?

Food aversion therapy
Food aversion therapy is one of the ways to help you through your fear of food. The other is hypnotherapy for fear of food.

Most people think that avoiding triggers will help manage these phobias. Sadly, this is not ideal because it only provides temporary anxiety relief and will not help them improve at all.

Two ways to manage cibophobia NHS or private care are through exposure therapy and food hypnotherapy. With exposure therapy, a patient will be exposed to the food they fear and will require them to smell, taste and watch others eat the food. On the other hand, food hypnotherapy can help a patient break these habits and identify the phobiaā€™s root cause. These techniques can help with desensitization and relaxation.


Cibophobia is an extreme type of fear that people need to be aware of. Knowing its causes, symptoms and how to manage this phobia are incredibly helpful, especially if you know someone who is suffering from it. Getting special medical treatment, such as food hypnotherapy, may help ease symptoms and increase the quality of life.

Leeds Hypnotherapist can help you with a wide range of issues through hypnotherapy. Our expert hypnotherapists can provide services such as food hypnotherapy, anxiety hypnotherapy and more. Give us a call today and let our team of professional hypnotherapists help you!

