virtual gastric band hypnotherapy leeds

Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy – 5 Things You Need to Know

If you are looking to lose weight, gastric band hypnotherapy can be a helpful tool. Also known as the virtual gastric band, this technique uses hypnosis to create the illusion of having had a real gastric band placed around the stomach. This virtual band then restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, leading to weight loss. While the virtual gastric band is not a magic bullet for weight loss, it can help to change eating habits and make it easier to stick to a healthy diet. If you are serious about losing weight, the hypnotic gastric band could be worth considering.

Losing weight is never easy. In fact, it can be downright frustrating. But what if there was a way to make the process easier? What if there was a way to lose weight without feeling hungry or deprived?

Gastric band hypnosis is a technique that uses hypnosis to create the illusion of having had a real gastric band placed around the stomach. This virtual band then restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, leading to weight loss.

Gastric band hypnosis is not a magic bullet for weight loss. However, it can be a helpful tool for changing eating habits and making it easier to stick to a healthy diet. If you are serious about losing weight, gastric band hypnosis could be worth considering. In this article, we will go through some of the myths and facts surrounding the virtual gastric band.

What is virtual gastric band hypnotherapy and how does it work?

Gastric band hypnosis is an option for people with severe obesity who do not respond to diet and exercise. With gastric band hypnosis, it feels like a surgical operation is carried out during hypnosis. The stomach is connected to a small band called a gastric band, which restricts how much food that person can eat on a daily basis.

The goal of gastric band hypnosis is to restrict the size of the personā€™s stomach so they can no longer eat any more than they want. The surgical procedure involves passing through a small tube (a tube being similar to an abdominal incision) into the stomach and then cutting down into the stomach at least four times before cutting out the whole stomach, leaving only two inches (in some cases as little as one inch) of intestine hanging out.

Gastric band surgery has become extremely popular in recent years because it can help people lose weight. But itā€™s important to be aware that many people have problems after their treatment ends, especially when it comes time for them to go back on their diets and exercise routines.

These different types of complications mean that gastric band surgery isnā€™t necessarily appropriate for everyone ā€” but it also doesnā€™t have any negative side effects that could jeopardize your health or your lifestyle choices. In fact, most patients find that they don’t experience any side effects from their surgeries at all.

The hypno gastric band is different however as the whole operation is done hypnotically meaning that you are saved from any potential surgical issues that may have arisen.

The benefits of virtual gastric band hypnotherapy

Gastric band hypnosis is a technique that uses hypnosis to create the illusion of having had a real gastric band placed around the stomach. This virtual band then restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, leading to weight loss.

Gastric band hypnosis is not a magic bullet for weight loss. However, it can be a helpful tool for changing eating habits and making it easier to stick to a healthy diet. If you are serious about losing weight, gastric band hypnosis could be worth considering.

Some of the benefits of virtual gastric band hypnosis include:

1) You lose weight in a safe and healthy way.

2) You lose weight without feeling hungry or deprived.

3) You lose weight without any negative side effects.

4) You change your eating habits and lose weight permanently.

5) You feel more confident and motivated to lose weight.

There are many hypno gastric band reviews available on the internet to show just how powerful this process is. There are so many stories around about people who have lost 5 stone or more that it needs to be seriously considered as a weight loss therapy option.

The myths and facts about virtual gastric band hypnotherapy

There are a number of myths around gastric band hypnosis, which is why itā€™s important to do your research before you decide if this is the right weight loss solution for you. Here are some of the most common myths about gastric band hypnosis:

1) Gastric band hypnosis is a magic wand formula for weight loss.

2) You lose weight without feeling hungry or deprived.

3) You lose weight without having to make any changes in your lifestyle.

4) You change your eating habits and lose weight permanently.

5) You feel more confident and motivated to lose weight.

All of these myths are untrue. Gastric band hypnosis is not a magic bullet for weight loss ā€“ itā€™s just one tool that can help you lose weight in a safe and healthy way. You will still need to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine, and gastric band hypnosis can help you to stick to these healthier habits. Additionally, you may experience some negative side effects from gastric band hypnosis, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. And finally, while you may lose weight temporarily with gastric band hypnosis, you will need to maintain healthy eating habits in order to keep the weight

Some facts about the hypnotic gastric band:

A hypnotic gastric band is a weight loss procedure that uses hypnosis to help you lose weight. With a hypnotic gastric band, you will feel full after eating smaller amounts of food, which will help you lose weight over time. Here are some of the benefits of using a hypnotic gastric band for weight loss:

1. Hypnotic gastric bands help you lose weight in a healthy way. Unlike some other weight loss procedures, a hypnotic gastric band does not involve surgery or medication. This makes it a safe and healthy way to lose weight.

2. A hypnotic gastric band can help you lose weight gradually. Unlike some other weight loss procedures, a hypnotic gastric band does not produce sudden weight loss. This makes it a safe and healthy way to lose weight over time.

3. A hypnotic gastric band can help you keep the weight off long-term. Many people who use a hypnotic gastric band for weight loss find that they are able to keep the weight off long-term. This makes it an effective way to lose weight and keep it off.

4. A hypnotic gastric band is a relatively affordable weight loss procedure. When compared to other weight loss procedures, a hypnotic gastric band is relatively affordable. This makes it a great option for people who are looking to lose weight without breaking the bank.

If you are looking for a safe and healthy way to lose weight, a hypnotic gastric band may be right for you.

facts about virtual gastric band hypnotherapy

How to choose the right virtual gastric band therapist

If you are thinking about undergoing virtual gastric band hypnotherapy, it is important to find the right therapist. Here are some tips for finding the right therapist:

1. Make sure that the therapist is qualified and experienced in virtual gastric band hypnotherapy.

2. Make sure that the therapist is licensed and insured.

3. Ask to see testimonials or case studies from previous clients.

4. Make sure that the therapist is available for regular follow-up sessions.

5. Make sure that the therapist is a member of a professional body such as the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC)

6. Contact the therapistā€™s previous clients to get their feedback (if possible due to confidentiality).

7. Read reviews online.

8. Meet with the therapist in person to discuss your weight loss goals and see if you feel comfortable working with them.

What to expect during a virtual gastric band hypnotherapy session

A typical virtual gastric band hypnotherapy session will last around an hour. The therapist will first ask you some questions about your weight loss goals and your eating habits. They will then perform a hypnosis session, which may involve some visualization exercises.

During the hypnosis session you will be helped to relax and you will be taken through gastric band surgery in your subconscious mind. It will feel like you are having a real gastric band fitted and that you are going through a surgical procedure. This will help your body to believe that you have had surgery and will help you to stick to healthier eating habits.

It is important to remember that virtual gastric band hypnotherapy is not a magic weight loss solution. You will need to commit to eating healthy foods and exercising regularly in order to lose weight. However, hypnotherapy can help you to make healthier choices and stick to your weight loss goals.

After the hypnosis session, the therapist will give you some tips for healthy eating and weight loss. You will then be given a homework assignment to complete between sessions. Follow-up sessions are usually weekly or fortnightly, depending on your needs.

How to maintain your weight loss after completing virtual gastric band hypnotherapy

1. Make sure that you continue to eat healthy foods and avoid junk food.

2. Make sure that you exercise regularly.

3. Make sure that you attend follow-up sessions with your therapist.

4. Contact your therapist if you experience any weight gain or weight loss after completing the program.

5. Stay motivated and committed to your weight loss goals.

Virtual gastric band hypnotherapy can be an effective weight-loss tool to support you on your weight loss journey, but it is important to remember that it is not a magic solution. You will need to commit to healthy eating and exercise in order to lose weight and keep it off. However, with the help of a qualified therapist, you can learn how to make healthier choices and stick to your weight loss goals.

Here are five things you didnā€™t know about gastric band hypnotherapy:

  1. Gastric band hypnotherapy can help you lose weight without feeling hungry or deprived.
  2. Gastric band hypnotherapy can help you change your eating habits.
  3. Gastric band hypnotherapy is not a magic bullet for weight loss.
  4. You need to be serious about losing weight before considering gastric band hypnotherapy.
  5. You will need to commit to making lifestyle changes after completing virtual gastric band hypnotherapy.

Finding a virtual band hypnotist near me in Leeds

If you are interested in having a virtual gastric band hypnotherapy package in Leeds, you can find my hypnotherapy clinic in Leeds centre only a short walk from the train station. There is plenty of paid street parking in the area and it is close to some bus routes in and out of Leeds Centre.

If you are outside of Leeds or even outside of the UK you can receive online hypnotherapy sessions. These work just as well as working face to face. All you need is a mobile device or computer to get started.

To book an initial phone consultation simply call 0113 460 1204 or go to the contact form.

