Fears and Phobias

Hypnosis for stage fright Leeds

Acknowledging Your Stage Fright Through Hypnotherapyā€”What to Know

Have you ever experienced a situation wherein you had to present in front of a large group of people? Whether itā€™s in class, during a meeting, or in the middle of an interview, many people tend to get stage fright.
Itā€™s a common occurrence that brings out anxiety in many individuals when they have to speak before an audience. The symptoms of growing stage fright can be physical or emotional, depending on the level of anxiety a person is feeling.

Acknowledging Your Stage Fright Through Hypnotherapyā€”What to Know Read More Ā»

medical hypnosis for ptsd

How Hypnotherapy Helps Individuals with PTSD

If someone has gone through something traumatic, the brain will work differently. The limbic system will hold onto those life events for two reasons.
First, the brain wants to ensure that the same event will not happen again for that person’s survival. Secondly, these life events are too big to be processed overnight, and traumas end up causing a log-jam in the brain. That is why the memory and sensation of it will remain fresh and raw. And since these memories are not being processed, it often leads to a downward spiral of anxiety, depression, and anger.

How Hypnotherapy Helps Individuals with PTSD

cibophobia food phobia hypnotherapy

Overcoming Food Phobias Through Hypnotherapyā€”What to Know

Every person has their own nutritional requirements to remain healthy and physically fit. But for people who have Cibophobia, an aversion to food can pose a serious risk to their health. When someone gives in to the phobia, their aversion to food becomes too extreme that they end up depriving themselves of food that the body needs in order to survive. Nutrient deficiency and other illnesses will soon follow.
Food phobias can vary, and they can have very serious effects on the patient suffering from it. Through hypnotherapy and transformative healing, the patient can overcome their anxieties, fears, stress, and depression.
Lachanophobia (fear of vegetables), carnophobia (fear of meat), phagophobia (fear of swallowing) and phobia of salad can all be worked on using hypnosis.

Overcoming Food Phobias Through Hypnotherapyā€”What to Know

Therapy for food aversion ARFID

Explaining Eating-Related Phobias and Food Aversion

A major key to being healthy on a physical level and overall survival is food. However, it goes way beyond that, as our entire days and much of our social life are also framed by this. One of the best, most preferred ways to connect with loved ones involves getting together over a cup of

Explaining Eating-Related Phobias and Food Aversion

Cibophobia hypnotherapy for Fear of Food - Aversion

Food Phobias 101_ Different Types, Causes & How to Manage Them

Food phobias are so commonplace these days and can often be misdescribed as intolerances in order to avoid questioning by people. Food intolerances are very different from phobias though.

Food Phobias 101_ Different Types, Causes & How to Manage Them Read More Ā»