One of the things that I really love about being a hypnotherapist in Leeds, is hearing back from clients after their sessions. I love to hear about how well they are doing.
Anyone that has experienced having a fear of flying or has seen it happen to others, knows just how bad it can be.
Some people just get slightly nervous about flying and drink to try and get past it. For others it can be crippling. Their body and mind are consumed by the fear of flying. Nothing they do can get rid of it. No amount of alcohol or tablets stops it.
These are the type of people that come to see me. The ones that don't have much hope of ever being able to be happy flying.
And I love it!
I love helping people who don't believe that they'll ever be able to let go of their fear of flying to break through that and feel great about flying.
This was the case for Peter in the video below.
Fear of Flying Hypnotherapy Testimonial

As you can see from the video, he looks so relaxed. Even though the plane is going through turbulence. He's sat there looking so relaxed like he's never been afraid before.
That is just how powerful fear of flying hypnotherapy really is!
This is just ONE session to get these kinds of results. Just one session and someone like yourself can go from being petrified of flying to being happy and comfortable.
How amazing would that be for you?
You can be free from your fear of flying. All it takes is to get in touch with me and start a conversation. We have a chat about what your issues are and how I can help. If you choose to go for it then great. If you choose not to then that's also great. When you're ready I'll be here to help you.