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Tell Your Anxiety to Say No to Sugar: Creating a Healthier Diet

When you reach for a chocolate bar or a tub of tasty ice cream or anything containing sugar, there’s no denying that it indeed provides you comfort, especially when dealing with anxiety. Although eating sweets can give you temporary relief from your stress, they give you adverse long-term effects. 

Many people deal with anxiety in different ways. While some get medical support, some try to deal with their issues independently, which can be quite risky especially when your diet comes into play. Relying on sugar-filled treats can put a toll on your physical health and put you at risk for various chronic diseases.

The Dangers of Stress Eating 

Sadly, not everyone can manage their diet easily. Sometimes, some people find it incredibly difficult to change their lifestyle and diet to a much healthier one. Thatā€™s why it may be better to rely on different, effective methods such as food hypnosis to remove negative associations with food. 

While saying no to sweets can result in a physically healthier you, there’s no denying that it could also affect your mental health in positive ways. In this article, we’ll share reasons you should start saying no to sweets when dealing with anxiety. Let’s take a look!

Reason #1: Sugar Can Influence Your Mood

Even with the term “sugar rush,” sugar may not be a positive go-to picker-upper. Research has shown that sugary treats don’t positively affect a person’s mood; however, it gives you an opposite effect over time. In 2019, a study found that regular consumption of added sugars and saturated fats can provide higher feelings of anxiety in adults who are over 60. 

With that being said, it’s important to consider how your diet and lifestyle choices can affect your physical and well-being in the long run. 

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Eating sugar can reduce your ability to deal with stress

Reason #2: Sugar Can Weaken Your Ability to Deal With Stress

If you think that a tub of cookies and cream ice cream can help you feel less anxious, the truth is, a tub of sugar can actually weaken your ability to deal with stressors. 

This happens because sugar suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in your brain that controls your stress response. With that, the temporary relief the sweets provide minimizes your anxiety and tensions, making it harder for you to deal with these stressors. 

And once you rely on sweets for that temporary relief, you put yourself at risk for obesity and other related diseases. For this reason, some people who find it hard to shake off sugar from their diet get diet hypnosis to remedy the problem. 

Diet hypnotherapy is a great treatment for food addictions, so if you know someone who has an unhealthy relationship with sugar-filled treats, it’s best to provide support and consider this treatment.

Reason #3: Sugar Can Affect Your Cognitive Functions

If your stomach is pushing you to take a doughnut or two and indulge in a delicious chocolate milkshake to ease your stress, your brain may be giving you a different idea. Unfortunately, sugar can impair cognitive functions, which could ultimately affect your decision-making and memory.Ā 

With that being said, it’s worth noting the effects that a sugar-filled diet can have on your cognitive functions. Taking a healthier approach and saying no to sugar can help manage these issues. 

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Sugar can make your energy levels crash later

The Bottom Line: Eating More Sweets Can Give Your More Anxiety

When dealing with anxiety, your goal is to reduce these feelings. And even if sugar-filled treats can give you that temporary relief, they can actually do more harm to you than good.

If you find that changing your lifestyle and creating a customized diet is challenging, diet hypnotherapy is another option. With the help of a hypnotherapist, you’ll get to create positive changes in your diet and lifestyle choices, shaping you into a better you. 

How Can Leeds Hypnotherapist Help You?

Even if we make the right choices to change our harmful lifestyle, sometimes our efforts aren’t enough. For this reason, trying other effective treatments, such as hypnosis therapy, is recommended. If you struggle to eat fruits and vegetables hypnosis can help you to resolve this.

At Leeds Hypnotherapist, we help create the life you want to live by making changes in your diet, eliminating vices, freeing yourself from stress and anxiety, and more. If you’re looking for hypnosis therapy in Leeds, reach out to us today!




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